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Community Centre Assistant

Community Centres

Tihei mauri ora!

Nau mai, haere mai, tahuti mai ki Heretaunga!

Heretaunga haukunui, Heretaunga ararau, Heretaunga haaro te kaahu, Heretaunga takoto noa!

Welcome to Heretaunga, the area renowned for its rich and fertile landscape that is sustained by its life-giving dews and waterways. Welcome to Heretaunga, whose beauty is observed by the sharp eye of the harrier hawk; a landscape rich in history and with an esteemed legacy of caring and providing for its inhabitants.

Taitara Mahi - Community Centre Assistant
Casual role

We are looking for a casual Centre Assistant who will provide outstanding support at our Community Centres and be an integral part of our Community Centre teams.

This role is part of a collaborative team which provides a high standard of customer service to the community while ensuring that the facilities are a safe and enjoyable environment that can be enjoyed by all. It will include providing general Community Centre support duties on a casual basis across both of the Community Centres at Camberley and Flaxmere.


Ōu wheako –about you;

To be successful in this role you will have:

  • Knowledge or experience working in communities.
  • Passion and drive to make a real difference in our communities.
  • Initiative and be able to work in a team environment.
  • An understanding and respect for Camberley and Flaxmere Community
  • Administration experience 

Situated in the heart of Ngāti Kahungunu, the Hastings district and Hawke’s Bay offer an enjoyable environment in which to live, work and play. We are an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity. Are you keen to be a part of our journey?


Job Description

Community Centre Assistant(if you are viewing this via SEEK - please visit the careers page on our website for a copy of the Job Description)

Applications close: 16 March 2025

Please Note: Due to the highly competitive employment market, our vacancy close date may be subject to change if a suitable candidate is found, so don't delay in making your application