Welcome to Heretaunga, the area renowned for its rich and fertile landscape that is sustained by its life-giving dews and waterways. Welcome to Heretaunga, whose beauty is observed by the sharp eye of the harrier hawk; a landscape rich in history and with an esteemed legacy of caring and providing for its inhabitants.
Taitara Mahi - City Assist Ambassador
Permanent, full-time
City Assist has been a part of the Hastings community for more than ten years. Seven days a week, our City Assist Ambassadors are out and about walking our city streets, providing help to those needing it and curbing any unsociable behaviour.
We are looking for a City Assist Ambassador to join our team and be responsible for promoting Hastings, Flaxmere and Havelock North as safe and vibrant environments. As well as preventing and deterring anti-social behaviour and crime, a key part of this role is to engage with the community and keep in active communication with business owners and the NZ Police.
Ōu wheako – about you
The successful candidate will be:
- A responsible and confident individual
- Even tempered and mature
- Able to communicate clearly and effectively
- Able to remain calm in conflict situations
- Fit and healthy
Situated in the heart of Ngāti Kahungunu, the Hastings district and Hawke’s Bay offer an enjoyable environment in which to live, work and play.
We are an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity. Are you keen to be a part of our journey?